We don't need more time, but better decisionsAlthough each of us has 1,440 minutes every day and 168 hours every week without distinction, more and more people nowadays seem to have no time left. Why is that? There is no time First of all, the statement that we have no time for any of us is correct. In the scientific sense there is no time at all. Einstein has already let us know that. Time is not a "thing" you can have. It is nothing material that one can hoard or "save" as property somewhere. It was not until the late Middle Ages that people began to divide the change of day and night and the seasons into small units and invented the clock. Wrong plan We don't have a time problem, we have a decision problem. We take on certain tasks and for their completion we need a certain number of minutes and hours. If we now get into "time trouble", it only means that we have planned too many tasks for this day or that month. It is not time that has run out, but we have made the wrong decisions. Why do we do that? Where do the many tasks come from? We are constantly flooded with ideas from the media and the Internet, what we should do and don't do, what we should want, who we should be and what we should acquire - and of course in the fastest possible way. The feeling of missing something if we don't follow all this is imperceptible. So we need the perfect lifestyle, the perfect body, the perfect things and the big success. Only when we have achieved this, we can be happy. With it we postpone our happiness to the future, miss the present, rather write a few more tasks in our to-do list and feel rushed. Others set our agenda At the same time, more and more requirements from other people are coming our way. Every day, the mailbox refills, WhatsApp, Messenger Messages, Facebook and Instagram postings scream for our attention and demand our response. Everyone wants something from us. And because we are part of it, we want to be noticed and loved, we get involved. We get engaged and spend a lot of time living according to other people's agendas. Liberation stroke and practical tips How do we get out of this mess? By recognizing that it is our own decisions that create the stress. No, we are not at the mercy. And yes, we can have control over our situation.
Let's keep in mind that we don't have too little time. Each of us have 24 hours a day. Starting today, let's carefully choose what we use them for.